Phone : +33 4 66 29 43 88 or
Address : 10 Allée Charles Babbage Nîmes, France
Effective : 38
Website :
Created in 2001 in Nîmes by Olivier Lapierre and his partner Thierry Roux, SYMETRIE is an innovative company which designs and manufactures precision robots meeting the most specific needs of manufacturers and research laboratories.
SYMETRIE is a specialist in hexapods, a machine with six cylinders which allows you to position an object in space, or to simulate movements dynamically in fields as varied as optics, space, naval, research or defense!
His expertise : SYMETRIE is developing two lines of hexapod products:
– Precision positioning systems used for samples on beam lines, mirrors on satellites, or on telescopes, etc.
– Motion systems that simulate the movement of a boat, a truck, a tank, a plane, etc., for example to test and qualify sensors, optical components, antennas, measurement units inertial or gravimeters.
type of target clientele: Astronomy, Automotive, Defense, Energy, Medical, Naval, Optics, Research & Engineering, Space, Synchrotron
– Examples of achievements and important facts:
Major technological projects: Megajoule Laser,
On terrestrial telescopes: DAG, DOT, NOEMA, OAJ and Pan STARRS 2;
In the space domain: BepiColombo, EnMAP, Euclid, Gaia, JWST, MPO, MTG, PLATO, Sentinel 5;
In synchrotrons: APS, the Australian Synchrotron, DLS, ELETTRA, ESRF, IHEP, LBL, MAX-lab, PAL, PSI, RRCAT, SLAC, SOLEIL, SSRF…