Lupine Dental
Phone : 0689153059
Address : 2040 Avenue du Père Soulas Montpellier, France
Effective : 45
Website :
We are pioneers, visionaries and forerunners in the field of dental aesthetics.
Our vision is to improve patient satisfaction and confidence by revolutionizing dentistry, enabling every practitioner to provide unparalleled quality and aesthetics with every smile transformation, raising the standard of care.
We have developed a disruptive technology, with the creation of LUPIN DENTAL, a robotic platform driven by comprehensive modular application software, all forming the LUPIN ecosystem, which significantly improves the patient and dentist journey by redefining the workflow .
Our technology enables dentists of all levels to perform complex treatments traditionally reserved for highly skilled dentists. The LUPINE ROBOTIC SYSTEM embodies a digital version of the founders' expertise, both intellectual and manual.

Robotics – Medical – Precision – Surgery