Phone : 0982248561
Address : 400 Promenade des Anglais Nice, France
Effective : 20
Website :
CARANX Medical was created by three co-founders, experts in their area of practice.
These three complementary founding members, an entrepreneur, a clinician and a researcher, constitute an ambitious and driven management team.
A world-class international team
• A one-of-a-kind human and scientific journey.
Based in Nice, France, in a very stimulating environment, the CARANX Medical team brings together over 20 international talents. Through excellence, integrity, creativity and teamwork, they take an unsettling approach to invent new standards for the medical care of tomorrow: greater access to less or non-invasive care for a wider population of patients worldwide.
• Extensive knowledge
Each individual talent is expert in his/her respective field: in flexible and agile robotics, system and software management, mechatronics, image and data processing, artificial intelligence, etc.
• An unwavering commitment
CARANX Medical is making substantial investments in its own research and development laboratory and has several existing partnerships with centers of excellence, in France and abroad, in order to develop and integrate the various technological elements required for the development of this new robotics solution. The clinical trials will begin in 2026.
Define new standards of tomorrow's medical interventions
We are convinced that the use of breakthrough solutions is the best solution for standardizing and democratizing complex surgical procedures, and reducing the level of risk related to the human factor. The benefits are triple: for the patients, for the clinicians and therefore for the healthcare system.

Robotics, Mechatronics, AI, Biomechanics.