Phone : 0411920022
Address : Rond-Point Benjamin Franklin 34000 Montpellier, France
Effective : 9
Website :
Founded in 2020 in Montpellier, Acusurgical is a surgical robotics company whose mission is to provide the most advanced treatments for more than 300 million patients suffering from retinal pathologies.
These retinal diseases have a major impact on the quality of life of most patients aged over 70. Thus, one in three people in Europe is affected by these blinding pathologies, such as AMD, diabetic retinopathy, macular holes, etc.
It is estimated that more than 1.6 million surgeries are performed each year worldwide, with an annual increase of 7%. This currently represents only a small percentage of current cases, with a majority of patients, particularly in emerging countries, receiving unsuitable treatments, or are not treated.
Our cutting-edge robotic platform aims to change this, offering a new surgical paradigm for vitreoretinal surgery around precision robotics.

Robots applied to retinal surgery